Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Turquoise will protect and let you enjoy life

Ancient and yet always at the height of current fashion: that is Turquoise for you. Its brilliant sky-blue belongs to the all-time favourite trend colours in the world of fashion and jewellery.

In many cultures of the Old and New World this gemstone has for thousands of years been appreciated as a holy stone, a good-luck-charm or a talisman. It is a virtual "peoples’ gemstone”. The oldest proof for this lies in Egypt, where in tombs from the period around 3000 B.C. there were found artefacts set with Turquoise. In the ancient Persian Kingdom the sky-blue gemstones were originally worn around the neck or on the hand as protection to ward off unnatural death. If the stones changed their colour, there was an imminent danger for the wearer. However, in the meantime it has been uncovered that Turquoises may in fact change their colour, but this reaction is not necessarily an indication of danger impending. The reason for the colour change is rather the influence of light, cosmetic products, dust or even the ph-value of the skin, which may all trigger off chemical responses.

Turquoise will protect and let you enjoy life

In earlier times Turquoises were sometimes thought responsible for the material wealth of their bearers. For example, Persian philosopher Al Kazwini wrote: "The hand wearing a Turquoise and using it as a sealing stone, will never be poor.” Turquoises were loved as ornaments decorating turbans, often set in a border of pearls, in order to protect the wearer from the "evil eye”.
They were used as talismans decorating daggers, scimitars or the horses’ bridles. Turquoise came to Europe only during the time of the crusades. And from this period comes the name "Turquoise”, meaning simply "Turkish stone”.

Also in South, Middle and North America Turquoise has always been enjoying a special position among gemstones. For example, the ancient Aztecs in Mexico used to decorate their ceremonial masks with this stone, a "holy stone” in their belief. The North American Indians, who are still producing quite a few pieces of traditional silver jewellery set with Turquoises today, believed that the gemstone the colour of the sky would establish a direct connection between the sky and the lakes.

At all times in history Turquoise was worn as protection to ward off the influence of dark and evil powers. In former times thought to protect riders and horses from accidental falls, they are nowadays considered the ideal good-luck stones for aviators, flight staff and other professions which need special assistance to ward off accidents.

In the contemporary teachings of the Healing Power of Stones, wearing Turquoise is recommended to solve the problems caused by a depressed outlook on life. The bright and happy colour is supposed to lend self-confidence to subdued personalities, and it is also very popular as a token of friendship, since Turquoise is reputed to be responsible for faithfulness and reliable relationships.

The blue from copper, the green from iron

Turquoise is a copper aluminium phosphate achieving hardness six, thus considerably softer than quartz. It occurs naturally in all shades ranging from sky-blue to grey-green, usually in such locations where copper is hidden in the soil in high concentrations. However, only the best quality Turquoises show the real turquoise colour, which in ordinary stones is normally rather pale, blue-green or greenish. The blue colour is caused by copper, while the green colour is caused by iron or chromium. Often the material is veined or shows spots, which depending on the respective occurrence are brown, light grey or even black. These vivid, more or less regular patterns are called the spider web. The micro-crystals are really tiny and almost not discernible with the bare eye. Usually turquoise occurs as encrustation, in veins or as nodules or nuggets. The most famous occurrences are situated in the USA, Mexico, Israel, Iran, Afghanistan and China. The most beautiful of Turquoises in wonderful light blue are found in Northern Iran.

Turquoise is only rarely facetted. Usually it is shaped as cabochons or as beads, or even given a fancy cut.

Wax will lend Turquoise resistance

Turquoises are relatively soft gemstones and thus quite sensitive. Since the colour may also fade out in the course of wearing, today even the top qualities receive a waxing and subsequent hardening treatment. This procedure will make the sensitive gemstone sturdier. Turquoises which have been sealed with artificial resin are also available in large amounts and at competitive prices. Their colour appears fresh, and they show a high resistance. But one should be careful, because many of these stones have been additionally dipped in colour before being sealed, and this colouring is a kind of treatment which according to the rules set down by ICA must be indicated. In addition, there are also so-called "reconstructed” Turquoises, which have been assembled from pulverised Turquoise.

Due to their high sensitivity, then, almost all Turquoises have been treated to preserve their beauty, however, the kind of treatment differs considerably. It makes sense, then, that naturally beautiful stones which have simple been waxed or hardened with artificial resin achieve higher prices and are more valuable than such stones, which have received colour-enhancement. Valuable Turquoise jewellery should therefore best be purchased from a jeweller you can trust.

A piece of sky in your hands

The best Turquoise quality shows a clear and light sky-blue. The colour is highly appreciated, with or without the fine regular spider web lines. The quality decreases with the increase of green in colour, and the increase of spots and irregularities in the spider web.

Turquoise should be protected from cosmetics, heat and bright daylight. The gemstone does not really appreciate sunbathing. It is recommended to clean it from time to time after wearing with a soft cloth.
The colour of a Turquoise will make you feel happy and relaxed, for it combines the light blue of the sky with the invigorating green of the seas. It is so unique that the language took the stones’ very name to describe it: Turquoise. So if you decide on a Turquoise, you will hold a piece of the sky in your hands.


Monday, June 26, 2006

Healthy Eating with the Seasons

What does this mean for you? Eat seasonally! To enjoy the full nourishment of food, you must make your menu a seasonal one. In different parts of the world, and even in different regions of one country, seasonal menus can vary. But here are some overriding principles you can follow to ensure optimal nourishment in every season:

In all seasons, be creative! Let the natural backdrop of spring, summer, fall and winter be your guide.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Foods That Fight Cancer: eating your way around the world

Foods That Fight Cancer: Preventing Cancer Through Diet, written by Montreal biochemist Richard Beliveau with fellow scientist Denis Gingras, the authors refer to fruits and vegetables as a preventative non-toxic version of chemotherapy.

Originally published in French, the book has recently been translated into English. Based on scientific studies in food chemistry, the book's two main goals are to educate people about what cancer is -- and how to eat for cancer prevention.
  • Approximately one third of all cancers are directly related to diet.
  • A diet containing three or four weekly servings of broccoli, nothing too excessive, was shown to be sufficient to protect individuals from colon polyps.
  • Cruciferous vegetables (brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale) should be lightly cooked and thoroughly chewed when eaten in order to fully benefit from their anti-cancer potential. Chewing releases the active molecules.
  • Freshly crushed garlic is by far the best source of anti-cancer compounds and should be preferred over supplements.
  • The key to benefiting from the anti-cancer effects of soy lies in consuming about 50 grams per day of the whole food, such as raw (edamame) or dry roasted soybeans. Supplements containing isoflavones are not an acceptable alternative to the whole food and should be avoided.
  • Colon cancer appears to be one of the cancers on which curcumin may have the greatest positive impact. The daily addition of a teaspoon of turmeric to soups, salad dressings, or pasta dishes is a simple way of providing curcumin intake sufficient to prevent the development if cancer.
  • Green Tea contains large amounts of catechins, compounds that boast many anti-cancer properties. To maximize the preventative effects afforded by tea, select Japanese green teas, allow for an eight-to-ten minute brewing period and always drink freshly brewed tea, and avoiding Thermoses.
  • Eating cranberries should be preferred over drinking cranberry juice.
  • The best way to increase omega-3 levels in diet is to eat fatty fish (wild salmon, sardines, and mackerel) once or twice a week or add one tablespoon of freshly-milled flax seeds to your breakfast cereal.
  • Eating two tomato sauce-based meals per week may lower your risk of developing prostate cancer by up to 25%.
  • Citrus fruits are essential foods in cancer prevention: for their capacity to act directly on cancerous cells as well as their potential for enhancing the anti-cancer effects of other phytochemical compounds present in diet.
  • The resveratrol present in red wine possesses powerful anti-cancer activity which may be responsible for the beneficial effects of wine on the prevention of certain cancers. Grape juice and cranberry juice contains resveratrol but at levels ten times less than red wine.
  • The daily consumption of 40 grams of dark chocolate (chocolate containing 70% cocoa mass) may have definite health benefits and should replace or reduce that of sugar- and fat-filled candies with no phytochemical content.
  • Many herbs and spices used as seasonings, in particular ginger contain large quantities of molecules that act as anti-inflammatory compounds, which also reduce the risks of developing certain chronic diseases.
  • Instead of replacing butter with margarine, use olive oil as much as possible as a source of dietary fat; you will benefit from its healthful lipids knowing that it also possesses anti-cancer properties of its own.
Because the East and West differ in their rates of cancer, with the lowest rates of cancer in Japan, southeast Asia, North Africa and China, Foods That Fight Cancer: Preventing Cancer Through Diet helps the reader rediscover the great cooking of this planet. Beliveau eats the planet in one week, with menu selections from around the world.


11 steps to a better brain

It doesn't matter how brainy you are or how much education you've had - you can still improve and expand your mind. Boosting your mental faculties doesn't have to mean studying hard or becoming a reclusive book worm. There are lots of tricks, techniques and habits, as well as changes to your lifestyle, diet and behaviour that can help you flex your grey matter and get the best out of your brain cells. And here are 11 of them.
1.Smart drugs

Does getting old have to mean worsening memory, slower reactions and fuzzy thinking?

2.Food for thought

You are what you eat, and that includes your brain. So what is the ultimate mastermind diet?

3.The Mozart effect

Music may tune up your thinking, but you can't just crank up the volume and expect to become a genius

4.Bionic brains

If training and tricks seem too much like hard work, some technological short cuts can boost brain function

5.Gainful employment

Put your mind to work in the right way and it could repay you with an impressive bonus

6.Memory marvels

Mind like a sieve? Don't worry. The difference between mere mortals and memory champs is more method than mental capacity

7.Sleep on it

Never underestimate the power of a good night's rest

8.Body and mind

Physical exercise can boost brain as well as brawn

9.Nuns on a run

If you don't want senility to interfere with your old age, perhaps you should seek some sisterly guidance

10.Attention seeking

You can be smart, well-read, creative and knowledgeable, but none of it is any use if your mind isn't on the job

11.Positive feedback

Thought control is easier than you might imagine


Monday, June 19, 2006

The 29 Healthiest Foods on the Planet

The following is a "healthy food hot list" consisting of the 29 food that will give you the biggest nutritional bang for you caloric buck, as well as decrease your risk for deadly illnesses like cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Along with each description is a suggestion as to how to incorporate these power-foods into your diet.


01. Apricots
02. Avocados
03. Raspberries
04. Mango
05. Cantaloupe
06. Cranberry Juice
07. Tomato
08. Raisins
09. Figs
10. Lemons/Limes


11. Onions
12. Artichokes
13. Ginger
14. Broccoli
15. Spinach
16. Bok Choy (Chinese cabbage)
17. Squash (Butternut, Pumpkin, Acorn)
18. Watercress and Arugula
19. Garlic


20. Quinoa
21. Wheat Germ
22. Lentils
23. Peanuts
24. Pinto Beans
25. Low fat Yogurt
26. Skim Milk


27. Shellfish (Clams, Mussels)
28. Salmon
29. Crab

15 Minute Shrimp and Avocado Salad

This quick and easy shrimp salad is great tasting, and makes it easy for you to receive the healthy benefits of shrimp along with vegetables. It is a perfect light meal, or substantial side salad.

15 Minute Shrimp and Avocado Salad Prep and Cook Time: 15 minutes

1 lb cooked medium sized shrimp (buy still frozen if possible for freshness)remove tails
1 medium sized tomato, seeded and chopped
3 scallion chopped
1 large clove garlic, pressed
2 TBS fresh lemon juice
1 TBS balsamic vinegar
1 large firm avocado cut into 1/2 inch cubes
1 TBS chopped cilantro
1 TBS chopped fresh mint
2 TBS chopped pumpkin seeds
salt & pepper to taste
pinch red pepper flakes
extra virgin olive oil to taste
1 head small romaine lettuce, outer leaves removed

Friday, June 16, 2006

Soybean: The magic wand for women

Quality of life is what we all want. Good health helps us achieve a high quality of life.

Good health can be achieved by consuming nutritive diet. People all around us today seem to be discussing their diets.

Food is a high priority item on the lifestyle agenda with a marked focus on healthy eating. "You are what you eat",

As we grow older and often become less physically active, the task of staying fit and trim becomes even more difficult, especially for woman.

Adequate nutrition is important for women not only because it helps them to be productive members of society, but also because of the direct effect maternal nutrition has on the health and development of the next generation.

Women have to combat numerous problems like Osteoporosis, Bone Fractures, menopausal symptoms and the fear of various cancers.

Friday, June 09, 2006

THAILAND : Millions of Thai Honor King

Millions of Thais wore their king's royal color Friday, turning Bangkok into a sea of yellow to honor the world's longest-serving monarch as he marked 60 years on the throne with a plea for political unity.

King Bhumibol Adulyadej, 78, stepped onto a palace balcony wearing a gold brocade gown and greeted an adoring crowd of hundreds of thousands in what was only the third such appearance of his reign. Cannons boomed in salute.

Virtually all the onlookers - and most Thais throughout the capital - wore the royal color in an organized tribute that has become a nationwide mania, with vendors scrambling to keep yellow shirts in stock.

Young and old jammed the Royal Plaza and surrounding streets, stretching as far as the eye could see. Many had come a day earlier. Police estimated as many as 700,000 were in the crowd.

Link( Picture via BBC )

Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Royal Barge Procession to Celebrate
The Diamond Jubilee of the King's Accession to the Throne
Along the Chao Phraya River on 12 June 2006

On the occasion of the diamond jubilee of His Majesty the King's accession to the throne on 9 June 2006, the Royal Thai government has assigned the Royal Thai Navy to organize the royal barge procession starting from Wasuki Landing Place to Wat Arun Landing Place, on 12 June 2006. About 2,082 personnel from various naval units will take part as oarsmen in the procession, which comprises 52 royal ceremonial barges.

>>Apart from that, the Royal Thai Navy will provide facilities at the Royal Thai Navy Convention Hall to house the exhibition held in honour of the king on his works over the past 60 years and also at the New Building of the Royal Thai Navy Institute where foreign kings and queens will be invited over after viewing the exhibition to have tea and watch the royal barge procession.

Boat song chanting is an indispensable part of excursion by boat. There are two distinct styles of boat songs. One is written for the chant in the royal barge procession on ceremonial and auspicious occasions. The other is for boating or festivals. However, the latter is now declining in popularity while the former is still in use for the royal barge procession. This tradition should be kept as the national heritage for the succeeding generations.


Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The World's Longest Serving Monarch (King of Thailand )

His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, The United States of America, on Monday 5 December 1927, being the third and youngest child of Their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess Mahidol of Songkla.Even the facts of his birth seem to be significant in several ways. He is, first of all, the direct grandson of His Late Majesty King Chulalongkorn or Rama V who was renowned for the great reforms which he made to all institutions of Thailand to bring them up to date and in line with the rest of the Western-orientated world.

Prince Mahidol himself was perhaps one of the most modern-minded of all the sons of King Chulalongkorn and his life was dedicated to the development of many modern ideas particularly in the field of Medical Science so that he is now known as the Father of the Modern Thai Medical Profession. Last but not least, he was given the significant name of Bhumibol Adulyadej, meaning "Strength of the Land Incomparable Power" which becomes prophetic as his reign advances through various critical periods and the Thai nation evolves more and more around the throne as the sole sources of unity and strength.

Prince Mahidol came back to Thailand and passed away when His Majesty was not yet two years old. After a brief period of primary schooling in Bangkok, His Majesty left with the rest of his family for Switzerland where he continued his secondary education at the Ecole Nouvelle de la Suisse Romande, Chailly sur Lausanne and received the Bachelieres Lettres diploma from the Gymnase Classique Cantonal of Lausanne. He then chose to enter Lausanne University to study Science, but the death of his elder brother King Ananda Mahidol in Bangkok on 9 June 1946, changed the course of his life completely, for the Law of Succession bestowed on him the arduous but challenging function of the Thai crown. His Majesty decided to go back to Switzerland for another period of study, but this time in the subject of Political Science and Law in order to equip himself with the proper knowledge for government. In 1950, His Majesty returned to Thailand for the Coronation Ceremony which took place on 5 May and he went back to Switzerland for another period of study before the urgent call of his country and people brought him back to Thailand in 1951 to stay.


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sip for Health

Sipping Pretty
Health Tea Wand

You may think sipping tea through a straw is odd. But in fact, millions of people do it all the time in South America. Yerba Mate lovers enjoy the precious herbal liquid through a bombilla, a steel or silver straw stuck into gourds. The Health Tea Wand has nothing to do with the national beverage of Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, but the basic design is very similar.

Monday, June 05, 2006

"Ramen is an instant food." False!

Frequently found misunderstandings about Ramen
1. "All the instant noodles are Ramen."
Completely Wrong!
Although it is the fact that the firstly invented instant noodle was based on "Ramen", its followers include instant versions of various noodles frequently eaten in Asian countries. They are completely different from "Ramen." The differences lay in noodle's ingredients, cooking method, texture, and broth's ingredients, cookign methods. Also the topping variatiton is also differernt. In short, there is no similarity between those noodles and ramen except that they are noodles.


Saturday, June 03, 2006

Thai Fruit and Vegetable Carving

Whether you entertain your guests by cooking Thai food or Western cuisine, nothing enhances a carefully prepared dish, like a graceful fruit or vegetable carving, or some simple but elegant garnishes.

Thai culinary carving expertise is arguably unsurpassed for skill and finesse. Our food carving instructors teach the basics of this beloved Thai art in three 2-hour sessions held on consecutive days.

You will learn food carving technique and two ornate flower patterns on Days 1 and 2. We use easy-to-carve large fleshy fruits such as watermelon and cantaloupe, and also show you how to carve these patterns on the small surfaces found on vegetables such as carrots and potatoes. On Day 3 you learn garnishes including cucumbers, tomatoes, chilies, and spring onions.

Your carving tool and our 38 page step-by-step instructional booklet with over 135 color photos are included in the 3,600 baht we charge for this fascinating 6-hour course.


A monkey farming coconuts

Koh Samui is home to more varieties of coconut palm trees than almost anywere on earth. Monkeys are trained in nearby Suratthani to climb the trees and pick the fruit, which are used to make some of the most delicious fresh coconut milk and coconut cream imaginable. Used in popular dishes such as Thai green curry and many other Thai curries in the range of Southern Thai cooking, Koh Samui coconut milk and coconut cream are some of the world's finest - a treat visitors should not miss.


Friday, June 02, 2006

The Siam Weight Loss Diet

When picking weight loss diets, there are so many choices: Low-carb, low-fat, Oprah's books, Fergie's bars, pre-packaged, mail order, charts, graphs, tables, one-on-one, groups, South Beach, North End, grapefruit, water, meat, starving, see food.

You could also take a step back, and look at a group of people who constantly eat but are predominantly slim. There are 2 things you see on any street in Thailand: they're filled with thin people and they're filled with vendors selling food. Food is everywhere. How can there be more food, but thinner people?

Most westerners don't eat Thai food every meal. But there are a number of easy lessons that come from how Thai people eat Thai food that directly apply to healthier western eating. It's exotic, fun, tastes great and can encompass a whole healthy lifestyle. We'll call this: The Siam Weight-Loss Diet.

More details--Link

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Quick Craft Projects

I've been surfing around and found some great free patterns for summer projects you can start now and make in a snap. Clockwise from top left:


Where Do Your Favorite Foods Fit?

Dietary Guidelines For Americans
Putting the Guidelines into Practice

"I like pizza a lot. What food group is it in?"

"If I try to follow the Pyramid, does that mean no more fast food?"

"When it says '6 to 11 servings' of grains, how many should I eat?"

Have you ever looked at the Food Guide Pyramid and asked questions like these? If so, this brochure is for you. It will show you how to follow the Pyramid and fit the foods you like to eat-such as pizza, fast foods, and mixed dishes-into a healthy way to eat. It will also help you personalize the Pyramid for your own needs.

Why is following the Pyramid a good idea?

The Food Guide Pyramid (figure 1) is a good starting point for your food choices. Choosing foods according to the Pyramid can help you get all the nutrients and other things, such as fiber, that you need for health. No single food or food group supplies all the nutrients in the amounts you need-so choose the recommended number of servings from each Pyramid food group.

31 Tips and Comments on Health & Heart Disease

About omega-3's: "...relatively simple dietary changes achieved greater reductions in risk of all-cause and coronary heart disease mortality .. than any of the cholesterol-lowering studies to date. This is emphasized by the finding that the unprecedented reduction ... was not associated with differences in total cholesterol.." This is from a landmark editorial in Circulation about the 70% [!] reduction in deaths in those given 2 table-spoons of canola oil per day, most as a non-hydrogenated margarine given to the family. One measly tea-spoon of flax (linseed) oil has as much omega-3 (alpha-linolenic). Flax, a unique nutritional power seed.